Welcome to the Chakras for

Children Series!


I’m thrilled to have you join the Chakras for Children series 🙂 Below you will find everything you need for this exciting series.

This is a fun way for children to learn about the chakra system – a truly powerful tool to give to your child! The yoga videos are great for children ages 2-12 years old, as they are short and sweet, playful and fun! Whereas the workbook will be best for children 8-12 years old, as it goes much more in depth. However, that’s not to say that you can’t tweak it slightly to help a younger yogi go through the workbook 🙂

Every day we will be working with 1 of the chakras. All you need is colourful pompoms or rocks painted each of the chakra colours.


Print your Chakras for Children Workbook below



Day 1: Root Chakra Class




Day 2: Sacral Chakra Class




Day 3: Solar Plexus Chakra Class




Day 4: Heart Chakra Class




Day 5: Throat Chakra Class




Day 6: Third Eye Chakra Class




Day 7: Crown Chakra Class