Don’t miss a single thing, enjoy the journey!


Kayla Elise Yoga_meditate

I know what it’s like. There’s something that you want and you think “I’ll be happier when…”. Then, that thing happens and you’re already thinking about the next thing that will make you happy. It’s a way of thinking that can be very easy to get into and stay stuck in. But, as Eckhart Tolle said, “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.” So, stop getting caught up in thinking of the next thing and live in the present moment!

Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s great to have goals! But, enjoy the journey to get there as well. Today’s guided meditation reminds you to enjoy the journey and gives you powerful techniques to live in the present moment.

Don’t let life pass you by, now is all you have. Embrace it. Love it. And enjoy the ride.

Each and every moment you are given is a gift from life. Even the bad moments in life can be learning opportunities, times of growth, or moments to reflect and appreciate the good in your life. Embrace each moment for all that it gives to you. You are here for a reason, and every moment can bring you closer to the purpose you have in this world, if you let it.

So, the next time you find yourself trying to fast-forward through life, take a step back and ask yourself “what is this moment giving me?” You might be surprised by the answers you find. And, if it really is just a slow time in your life, that’s ok! Sometimes we need to experience those moments in order to rest before something big happens or simply to feel more appreciative of the big moments in our lives.

Now, here’s the guided meditation I promised to live in the present moment:

If you liked the meditation please let me know by hitting the like button or commenting below 🙂 And don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more yoga and meditation!

Sending you lots of love,

Remember to Enjoy the Journey: Meditate your Way to the Present Moment