Kayla Elise Yoga

What is a #1 practice
that brings 
an abundance of happiness
into your life?


The practice of gratitude! 

I know how easy it can be to get stuck in a thought process of everything you don’t have. But, I have learned that one of the best ways to enhance positivity in your life is to shift that thinking to what you do have. When gratitude becomes part of your daily life, you have no choice but to smile 🙂 You view your life more positively and you wake up excited for the day because you have SO MUCH to be excited for!


I was reminded of this when I was lucky enough to get to spend a day and a half with locals living in the desert in Jaisalmer, India. I was welcomed into a family’s home and fed lunch, played with loving children who only wanted one thing: a pencil, interacted with the animals whom are respected greatly by the locals, toured the area and was educated on their limited water resources and slept under the stars in the sand dunes. It was an unforgettable experience, and it reminded me of how much I have to be grateful for. So, I want to walk you through a guided meditation that focuses on gratitude. 


Don’t just take my word for it… 

Numerous research studies have scientifically proven that an attitude of gratitude can improve many areas of your life. A few explained by Amy Morin in her article on Forbes include: relationships, physical health, psychological health, empathetic thinking, sleep, self-esteem and mental strength. The full article goes more in-depth as to how and why.


Time to practice!

So what are you waiting for? Join me in Jaisalmer, India for a guided meditation that will help you feel happier and embrace life by cultivating gratitude <3 


What do you feel grateful for? I’d love to know! Comment below one thing that you are grateful for. And, if you liked this meditation click the like button so I know to create more like this.


All my love,


A #1 Practice that Brings Happiness into your Life: Guided Meditation for Gratitude