You’ve Got What It Takes To Achieve Your Fitness Goals!


Kayla Elise Yoga_Crush Your Fitness Goals

I take the perspective that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. And this is especially true for your fitness goals! Maybe you want flatter abs for bikini season, or you’re training to run a marathon.  Maybe you want to loose a few post-pregnancy pounds, or perhaps you just want to go to the gym more…. Whatever it is, I know you can do it! But, I get it, it can be challenging to stay on track. Life happens and often health and fitness takes a backseat to everything else. I want to make one thing clear: you have an amazing body because it is the vehicle which takes you through this crazy journey called life! And given that your body has this very important job, I LOVE that you have the desire to make it fitter!….. Now what?


Now, you’ve got to put in the work! And don’t worry girl, I’ve got you 😉 I have created a 5 step guide paired with videos and an accountability group (link at the end of this article) to help you CRUSH your fitness goals. Don’t forget to download my step-by-step guide below for crushing your fitness goals so you can save it, print it, and remind yourself to stay on track each day!


Click Here for your Free Printable Step-By-Step Guide


Step 1:

Define Your Goals

What EXACTLY do you want? Get specific here. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to achieve your goal. Saying, “I just want to go to the gym more” isn’t gonna work because it’s too broad. Saying, “I want to run 3 times a week to train for a marathon this fall” is getting somewhere! In Mel Robin’s TED Talk How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over (linked below) she goes as far as to say that your goals shouldn’t even sound good to other people. As she says, “Loosing your man-boobs so you can hook up with someone, now that’s motivation.” Her point being that you need to be crystal clear about what you want, and have the motive to actually go for it.

So, what exactly do you want? Write it down and post it some place you’ll see it each day to remind yourself of what you’re working towards. Watch the video below for my explanation of this step.

Step 2:

Create A Plan

Now that you know what you’re working towards, you need a game plan. This is super important because it will help set you up for success! So, grab your day timer or calendar and a pen because if you don’t schedule it, it doesn’t exist. Again, get specific and clear when creating your plan. Don’t just write “work out” on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Instead, write the time you’ll workout, what exactly your workout will involve and where you are going to do it. After scheduling your workouts, set an alarm reminder for yourself in your phone to go off 15 minutes before your scheduled time. This will ensure that you stick to your plan. Lastly, be sure to prepare everything you’ll need the night before. Sometimes I sleep in my workout clothes when I have an early workout planned; they are comfortable and when I wake up I have no excuses because I’m already ready to workout! Other ways you can prep the night before include packing your gym bag or setting out your workout equipment so that everything is ready for you.

Set yourself up for success and you’ll see results! Watch the video below for my explanation of this step.

Step 3:


You know what you want, you’ve set yourself up for success, now go do it!! Get your heart pumping! But here’s the key: make it enjoyable. If it feels like torture, you won’t want to to do it again and your progress will go down the drain. The best way to ensure you keep your momentum going is to do something you’ll look forward to doing again. If you hate running, don’t go for a run! There are many other ways to get fit: turn up some music and dance, go climbing, attend a class you enjoy; whatever you want, just make it something you’ll want to go do again. You can also make your workout enjoyable with kickass music playlists, audio books, podcasts, or watching your favourite TV show while you jog on the treadmill. Another way to make it fun is by having a workout buddy. You can motivate each other and play a game like the Deck of Cards Workout.

How will you make exercise enjoyable? Watch the video below for my explanation of this step.

Step 4:


Woo hoo, you did your workout!! This next step is KEY for recovery and ensuring you don’t get an injury. The last thing you want is a pesky injury setting you back and discouraging you from achieving your fitness goals. So, you must balance strengthening your muscle with lengthening them. Ideally, you should stretch directly after your workout to avoid the build up of lactic acid which causes your muscles to feel sore and tired. Many people also enjoy attending a yoga class on their “rest day”, click this link for a list of the yoga services I offer.

Follow this short video for a great post-workout yoga sequence.


Step 5: 

Reflect & Re-do

Go grab a journal and a pen. Got it? Good! Now complete this sentence: Committing to my fitness is important to me because….

The journey towards achieving your fitness goals is not easy and it is important to regularly come back to your reason for being on this path in the first place. This is the driving force which will keep moving you forward…literally!

What is your reason? Reflect on it and then re-do these steps for your next workout. You’ve got this! There is power in determination and desire.

Watch the video below for my explanation of this step.



CRUSH Your Fitness Goals Accountability Group:

Mel Robin’s TED Talk:

5 Steps to Crush Your Fitness Goals