How to Discover Your Soul Work

We all have a deep-rooted call for happiness, and a desire to achieve purpose in our lifetimes. It can be very easy for the mind to get caught up in an ever-flowing stream of thoughts regarding one’s personal purpose in life. And thanks to social media, now, more than ever, there is pressure coming at us from every direction to achieve greatness.

It is a blessing and a curse to anyone who has got caught up in the dance; scrolling through their social media feed and feeling equally inspired to live a fuller life, while also inadequate to the illusion others portray of perfect life moments and successes. I’ve experienced both: the rush of excitement when I see the possibilities for my life and thinking “others on social media are doing it, so why couldn’t I?” This thought pattern lead me to creating a website and YouTube channel dedicated to yoga; it inspired me to travel to exotic places; and it allowed me to connect with amazing individuals whom I would not get the privilege to talk and work with otherwise. However, on the flip side, I know I’m not alone in experiencing the tug of inadequacy when scrolling through social media and comparing myself to everyone else’s lives. The result is a poisonous seed of thought planted by the egocentric mind, which says “you are not good Blog_Finding Your Soul Workenough”, “look at what everyone else is doing”, “they are living their purpose, why aren’t you living yours?” And so on and so forth.

The Big Question

So how does one live a full life connected to their true soul work, while escaping the egocentric mind which is intensified by social media?

For this we look to the wise words of Mohatma Gandhi, “A burning passion coupled with detachment is the key to all success”. This same message is repeated throughout the Bhadavad Gita as Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna, “You should never engage in action for the sake of reward, nor should you long for inaction. Perform work in this world, without selfish attachments, and alike in success and defeat.” Both sentiments are stressing the importance of detachment from outcome, and committing yourself to work which fuels personal fulfillment. Let’s take a look at both concepts a bit more closely.


While often confused with giving up, detachment it is actually very different. The detached mind will achieve much more than one who is gripping tightly to an ideal. The key to detachment is to let go of a single, desired outcome. Detach from what other’s are doing, and focus on the journey you are on. There will always be a bump in the road, someone may lead you in a new direction, or a new insight may develop. But, if you are too attached to one goal, there is no room for other options to unfold and flourish.

So, ask yourself this: am I working towards achieving my goal because I feel connected to it and it will fulfill me? Or, am I striving to reach an outcome because the egocentric mind tells me it’s the best thing to do?

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Personal Fulfillment

Within your soul is a unique gift: a puzzle piece that fits into the larger puzzle of this world. If you are always trying to achieve what others are portraying on their social media feed, you will never embody your own unique gift. Your unique puzzle piece, your soul, will never be woven into the fabric of the world. As you perform work using your gifts, you begin to identify and connect with your own true soul work, which is your offering to the bigger picture. Get outside of your head, and engage in a path for the greater good.

When you feel stuck, ask yourself these questions: When do I feel the most uplifted, joyful, energized and alive? When do I feel that I’m are offering service to the world the most? What is my karma? And by karma, I mean how it is described in the Bhagavad Gita; “Karma yoga, the active path of selfless service… Through selfless service, you will always be fruitful and find the fulfilment of your desires.”

Exercises for finding your true soul work by detachment and personal fulfilment:

1. Go on nature walks. Leave your phone at home, unplug from technology, and wander through the trees. Take time to appreciate the sun and soil and everything in between.

2. Write in a journal. Schedule 5-10 minutes of your day to write. Write about what you feel grateful for, what you want to achieve, how you’re feeling and why, who you want to connect with, any insights you’ve gained, or even just one thing that made you smile. These are just a few ideas to get you going, but write about whatever you feel will serve you best.

3. Expand your mind. Read non-fiction books, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries, go to seminars and attend workshops. The list goes on for the many ways you can expand your mind and gain insights from thought-leaders and gurus.

4. Go for coffee with friends. I’m always flooded with new insights and inspiration after meeting with a friend and having a good talk. The people in our lives are there for a reason, and each one of them will help guide you on your journey, as you simultaneously guide them.

5. Join a group. What interests you? Is there an activity you enjoy or a topic you want to become more knowledgeable about? Finding groups of like-minded people is easier than ever these days. The more like-minded people you connect with, the more inspiration you will receive.

Wrapping it all up

Let yourself be inspired by others, but let go of all attachments to achieving the same successes as them. Connect to whatever fuels your soul, and let all other expectations of the outcomes fall away. Your mark on this world cannot be measured or compared; it is lived, and each day will bring new insights and challenges. Make room for more living and less comparing – that is when you will discover your true soul work.

How to Discover Your Soul Work