How to Find the Sacred in All that We Do



It is such an ambiguous word, yet it is loaded with emotion and meaning. It is the reason why humans travel, shop, indulge, explore, create, connect, entertain, search, cry, strive. We are all on our own paths, with the destination being bliss.


The Question

What if bliss was not the destination? Instead, what if it was the path? With every step taken, bliss was the soil sinking beneath your feet. Bliss was the air you sipped in and sighed out. Bliss was written in the sky amongst the clouds, radiating from the Sun and outlined in the stars. Bliss was the fork in the road, the fallen tree, the branches and leaves blocking your sight. Bliss was every twist and turn in what you thought would be a straight and narrow path. Bliss was every sound from the creatures surrounding you and each drop of rain on your skin. Bliss was every guide that took you in a new direction, showing and teaching you something new.


The Search

Bliss is a journey and we are all on our own paths to experience it. Some, follow what they have been told by society. Others take the road less traveled and follow their hearts. Some look to certain areas of their lives to bring them bliss – waiting for the weekend to come so they can take that trip, see that person, engage in that activity, sip that drink. Others find bliss in each moment – recognizing that a setback is not what it seems. Rather, it is a lesson and a detour to embrace.

What have you done to achieve bliss in your life? Or an even better question, what do you see as bliss in your life? Are you striving to get there, or do you realize that you have already arrived?

There is a common phrase used in South East Asia – “same same but different”. It is said to emphasize that something is similar. However, if you think about the phrase, you will realize that it holds a much deeper context. Each and every one of us is on a journey, hoping to experience bliss but going about it in different ways. Look around and take in what you see the people around you doing. Do they have their heads down as they rapidly send text messages and scroll through instagram? A search for connection and inspiration. Are they busy typing on their laptops? An effort to achieve success in some way, no doubt. Or are they outside walking, jogging, gardening, or playing in park? Embracing the natural beauty which surrounds all of us.


Your Challenge

Observe. Observe others, and then observe yourself. And, in the process, ask yourself this: “How can I find the sacred in all that I do?” This is your challenge, your inflection point. Will you continue to race through life, always trying to get somewhere? Or, will you enjoy the process? Life goes by quick enough; so why rush it along?

Next time you are at work, waiting for the end of the day, stop yourself. Look around your office and find one thing that makes you happy. Remember why you are in the position you are in. What is your purpose? And, how is that part of a larger purpose?
Next time you are having a conversation with someone, notice if you are waiting for the conversation to end. If you are, stop and really absorb what they are telling you. Every interaction is sacred, if you let it.

Next time you get into your car, make that drive sacred too. You are not merely trying to get somewhere, you are enjoying the journey as well. So, crank up your music and sing out loud, listen to a podcast, drink a cup of tea, roll down your windows and feel the air on your skin, take a new route.

In your journey of observation, go one step further, and integrate 10 – 20 minutes of meditation into your morning routine. Starting your day with stillness and intention allows for a greater practice of mindfulness.


Wrapping It All Up

Life is now. Stop rushing ahead. Embrace each moment, and give thanks for what it is giving to you. No one can truly tell you how to do this but you. You are on your own path towards bliss, and each moment is sacred.


How to Find the Sacred in All that We Do