Today we celebrate the onset of summer with the longest day of the year. The sun is at it’s peak and it’s reminding us to make the most out of our day! Not just today, but all of summer. The sun is a healing force, bringing energy to our earth and souls. Here are some ideas to feel fresh and revitalized so you can make the most out of your summer!

  1. Release the old and welcome in the new with a heart and hip opening yoga sequence. These are areas where we hold a lot of pent-up emotions and tension. As you open these areas, you create space to release what is holding you back, while opening yourself up to all the great possibilities that come with longer days and revitalizing energy from the sun. Click here to practice my yoga flow for the hips and heart, and try pairing it with a mantra like “I welcome new possibilities into my life”.
  2. Practice a mindful morning with a refreshing glass of lemon water to detoxify your body, a short meditation to prepare your mind for the day, and writing in your journal 3 things which you feel grateful for in this moment. Click here for a link to my 5 minute morning meditation.
  3. Explore! Get outside, absorb the sunlight on your skin (gotta get that vitamin D!) and breath in the fresh air. Go for a walk and listen to the sounds around you, hop on your bicycle and ride some place new, or get out of the city and enjoy a hike. Summer has so much to offer, and it’s up to you to make the most out of it. If you’re a fellow Albertan, be sure to check out my outdoor yoga adventure which I host in the Alberta foothills and rocky mountains . Click here for details, I’d love to see you there!
  4. I hope these ideas help you make the most out of your summer, and I’d love to hear from you about what your favourite summer rituals are.


    Sending you love and light this summer and always!


Make The Most Out Of Your Summer