Kayla Elise Yoga_Yoga for Confidence

Gain Self-Confidence 
Lessons from
Elephants and Yoga:


This probably sounds like a strange combination. Usually when people think of yoga they think of stretching and twisting themselves into a pretzel. But, it’s true, you can also use yoga to gain self-confidence! The idea to create this yoga sequence was formed while I was visiting an elephant sanctuary in Thailand.

Elephants are beautiful creatures! But what is it that makes them so beautiful? They are large, wrinkly and have long noses…certainly not your typical description of beauty!

However, elephants are characterized as embodying confidence and loyalty while having kind and gentle hearts. Did you know that elephants cry, laugh and play? When a baby elephant complains, the entire family will go over to touch and caress it. They even hug sometimes by wrapping their trunks together to greet or show affection to a friend.

Confidence with kindness is beauty. So stand strong with confidence in your mind and kindness in your heart.

Join me in Kanchanaburi, Thailand for this special yoga sequence to gain confidence, and meet a few of my gentle giant friends 🙂

As always, if you enjoyed this yoga sequence, I’d love to know! Send me a message about what spoke to you or leave a comment below the video. Or, simply hitting the “like” button would mean so much 🙂

Sending you lots of love,

Yoga to Gain Self-Confidence